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Recommended settings

Once your repo is up and running, there are a number of settings in rush.json that we recommend enabling. These stricter settings help to improve repo health and reduce maintenance headaches. They are disabled by default because they sometimes require some fixes to your code base, and may not be appropriate for all situations.


If your repo uses the rush change command to track change logs, we strongly recommend to set the repository.url in your rush.json. This ensures that rush change will be able to accurately find the base branch for comparison, especially in situations where the developer's repo has been "forked" from the main repo.

Example excerpt from rush.json:

  "repository": {
// Replace this with the URL that you use when running "git clone" for your repo
"url": ""


We recommend to set ensureConsistentVersions to true in rush.json. This causes Rush to automatically perform the rush check validation whenever any of the following commands are invoked:

  • rush install
  • rush update
  • rush link
  • rush version
  • rush publish

This validation checks each project's package.json file and ensures that all dependencies are of the same version throughout the repository. This is desirable in general and avoids a lot of problems related to inconsistent versions.

Sometimes there are special cases where multiple versions are desirable. For example, maybe you want upgrade your projects to the new TypeScript compiler in stages, rather than all at once. During this transition, you may need two different typescript releases installed for your repo. For those exceptions, you can add an entry to the allowedAlternativeVersions section of the common-versions.json.

NOTE: In earlier releases of Rush, the CI script examples included rush check as a build step. The ensureConsistentVersions setting removes the need for that. If you enable ensureConsistentVersions, then you can delete rush check from your CI build steps.


If you're using the PNPM package manager, we strongly recommend setting strictPeerDependencies to true in pnpm-config.json. This causes Rush to use PNPM's --strict-peer-dependencies option during installation. With this protection, rush install will fail if there are unsatisfied peer dependencies, which is an invalid state that can cause build failures or incompatible dependency versions. (For historical reasons, JavaScript package managers generally do not treat this invalid state as an error.)