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Using project tags

Rush's project tags provide a convenient way to reference arbitrary groups of Rush projects. Tags are applied to projects using the "tags" property in the rush.json config file.

For example:


  . . .
"projects": [
"packageName": "my-controls",
"projectFolder": "libraries/my-controls",
"reviewCategory": "production",

* An optional set of custom tags that can be used to select this project.
* For example, adding "my-custom-tag" will allow this project to
* be selected by the command "rush list --only tag:my-custom-tag"
"tags": [ "1.0.0-release", "frontend-team" ]

"packageName": "my-toolchain",
"projectFolder": "tools/my-toolchain",
"reviewCategory": "tools",
"tags": [ "tools" ]
. . .

For details about the tag:my-custom-tag selector syntax, see Selecting subsets of projects.

Tag syntax

The tag name must be one or more words separated by hyphens or slashes, where a word may contain lowercase ASCII letters, digits, ., and @ characters. Some examples:

rush list --to tag:my-custom-tag
rush list --to
rush list --to tag:1.0.0

Validating tags

Allowing arbitrary "tags" strings in the rush.json "projects" array is error-prone. If somebody accidentally misspells a tag, or if they use an old tag that is now obsolete, it may take a while to discover this mistake. You can use the "allowedProjectTags" setting to define a fixed list tags to be used in your monorepo. This also provides a centralized place to document their meanings.


  . . .
* This is an optional, but recommended, list of allowed tags that can be applied to Rush projects
* using the "tags" setting in this file. This list is useful for preventing mistakes such as misspelling,
* and it also provides a centralized place to document your tags. If "allowedProjectTags" list is
* not specified, then any valid tag is allowed. A tag name must be one or more words
* separated by hyphens or slashes, where a word may contain lowercase ASCII letters, digits,
* ".", and "@" characters.
"allowedProjectTags": [
// Apply this tag to all Rush projects that are CLI tools

// Apply this tag to all projects owned by our company's frontend team

// Use this to tag projects to be included in the QA test pass
// for the upcoming product launch.
], . . .