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rush-alerts.json (experimental)

This is the template that rush init generates for the Rush alerts feature.

NOTE: Since this feature is experimental, you must invoke rush init --include-experiments.


* This configuration file manages the Rush alerts feature.
* More documentation is available on the Rush website:
"$schema": "",

* Settings such as `startTime` and `endTime` will use this timezone.
* If omitted, the default timezone is UTC (`+00:00`).
"timezone": "-08:00",

* An array of alert messages and conditions for triggering them.
"alerts": [
// {
// /**
// * When the alert is displayed, this title will appear at the top of the message box.
// * It should be a single line of text, as concise as possible.
// */
// "title": "Node.js upgrade soon!",
// /**
// * When the alert is displayed, this text appears in the message box. To make the
// * JSON file more readable, if the text is longer than one line, you can instead provide
// * an array of strings that will be concatenated. Your text may contain newline characters,
// * but generally this is unnecessary because word-wrapping is automatically applied.
// */
// "message": [
// "This Thursday, we will complete the Node.js version upgrade. Any pipelines that",
// " still have not upgraded will be temporarily disabled."
// ],
// /**
// * (OPTIONAL) To avoid spamming users, the `title` and `message` settings should be kept
// * as concise as possible. If you need to provide more detail, use this setting to
// * print a hyperlink to a web page with further guidance.
// */
// // "detailsUrl": "",
// /**
// * (OPTIONAL) If `startTime` is specified, then this alert will not be shown prior to
// * that time.
// *
// * Keep in mind that the alert is not guaranteed to be shown at this time, or at all:
// * Alerts are only displayed after a Rush command has triggered fetching of the
// * latest rush-alerts.json configuration. Also, display of alerts is throttled to
// * avoid spamming the user with too many messages. If you need to test your alert,
// * set the environment variable `RUSH_ALERTS_DEBUG=1` to disable throttling.
// *
// * The `startTime` should be specified as `YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM` using 24 hour time format,
// * or else `YYYY-MM-DD` in which case the time part will be `00:00` (start of that day).
// * The time zone is obtained from the `timezone` setting above.
// */
// // "startTime": "2024-01-01 15:00",
// /**
// * (OPTIONAL) This alert will not be shown if the current time is later than `endTime`.
// * The format is the same as `startTime`.
// */
// // "endTime": "2024-01-05",
// /**
// * (OPTIONAL) The filename of a script that determines whether this alert can be shown,
// * found in the "common/config/rush/alert-scripts" folder. The script must define
// * a CommonJS export named `canShowAlert` that returns a boolean value, for example:
// *
// * ```
// * module.exports.canShowAlert = function () {
// * // (your logic goes here)
// * return true;
// * }
// * ```
// *
// * Rush will invoke this script with the working directory set to the monorepo root folder,
// * with no guarantee that `rush install` has been run. To ensure up-to-date alerts, Rush
// * may fetch and checkout the "common/config/rush-alerts" folder in an unpredictable temporary
// * path. Therefore, your script should avoid importing dependencies from outside its folder,
// * generally be kept as simple and reliable and quick as possible. For more complex conditions,
// * we suggest to design some other process that prepares a data file or environment variable
// * that can be cheaply checked by your condition script.
// */
// // "conditionScript": "rush-alert-node-upgrade.js"
// }

See also