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This is the template that rush init-deploy generates for deploy.json and deploy-<scenario name>.json:


* This configuration file defines a deployment scenario for use with the "rush deploy" command.
* The default scenario file path is "deploy.json"; additional files use the naming pattern
* "deploy-<scenario-name>.json". For full documentation, please see
"$schema": "",

* The "rush deploy" command prepares a deployment folder, starting from the main project and collecting
* all of its dependencies (both NPM packages and other Rush projects). The main project is specified
* using the "--project" parameter. The "deploymentProjectNames" setting lists the allowable choices for
* the "--project" parameter; this documents the intended deployments for your monorepo and helps validate
* that "rush deploy" is invoked correctly. If there is only one item in the "deploymentProjectNames" array,
* then "--project" can be omitted. The names should be complete package names as declared in rush.json.
* If the main project should include other unrelated Rush projects, add it to the "projectSettings" section,
* and then specify those projects in the "additionalProjectsToInclude" list.
"deploymentProjectNames": [ /* YOUR PROJECT HERE */ ],

* When deploying a local Rush project, the package.json "devDependencies" are normally excluded.
* If you want to include them, set "includeDevDependencies" to true.
* The default value is false.
// "includeDevDependencies": true,

* When deploying a local Rush project, normally the .npmignore filter is applied so that Rush only copies
* files that would be packaged by "npm pack". Setting "includeNpmIgnoreFiles" to true will disable this
* filtering so that all files are copied (with a few trivial exceptions such as the "node_modules" folder).
* The default value is false.
// "includeNpmIgnoreFiles": true,

* To improve backwards compatibility with legacy packages, the PNPM package manager installs extra links in the
* node_modules folder that enable packages to import undeclared dependencies. In some cases this workaround may
* double the number of links created. If your deployment does not require this workaround, you can set
* "omitPnpmWorkaroundLinks" to true to avoid creating the extra links.
* The default value is false.
// "omitPnpmWorkaroundLinks": true,

* Specify how links (symbolic links, hard links, and/or NTFS junctions) will be created in the deployed folder:
* - "default": Create the links while copying the files; this is the default behavior.
* - "script": A Node.js script called "create-links.js" will be written. When executed, this script will
* create the links described in the "deploy-metadata.json" output file.
* - "none": Do nothing; some other tool may create the links later.
// "linkCreation": "script",

* If this path is specified, then after "rush deploy", recursively copy the files from this folder to
* the deployment target folder (common/deploy). This can be used to provide additional configuration files
* or scripts needed by the server when deploying. The path is resolved relative to the repository root.
// "folderToCopy": "repo-tools/assets/deploy-config",

* Customize how Rush projects are processed during deployment.
"projectSettings": [
// {
// /**
// * The full package name of the project, which must be declared in rush.json.
// */
// "projectName": "@my-scope/my-project",
// /**
// * A list of additional local Rush projects to be deployed with this project (beyond the package.json
// * dependencies). Specify full package names, which must be declared in rush.json.
// */
// "additionalProjectsToInclude": [
// // "@my-scope/my-project2"
// ],
// /**
// * When deploying a project, the included dependencies are normally determined automatically based on
// * package.json fields such as "dependencies", "peerDependencies", and "optionalDependencies",
// * subject to other deployment settings such as "includeDevDependencies". However, in cases where
// * that information is not accurate, you can use "additionalDependenciesToInclude" to add more
// * packages to the list.
// *
// * The list can include any package name that is installed by Rush and resolvable via Node.js module
// * resolution; however, if it resolves to a local Rush project, the "additionalProjectsToInclude"
// * field will not be recursively applied.
// */
// "additionalDependenciesToInclude": [
// // "@rushstack/node-core-library"
// ],
// /**
// * This setting prevents specific dependencies from being deployed. It only filters dependencies that
// * are explicitly declared in package.json for this project. It does not affect dependencies added
// * via "additionalProjectsToInclude" or "additionalDependenciesToInclude", nor does it affect indirect
// * dependencies.
// *
// * The "*" wildcard may be used to match zero or more characters. For example, if your project already
// * bundles its own dependencies, specify "dependenciesToExclude": [ "*" ] to exclude all package.json
// * dependencies.
// */
// "dependenciesToExclude": [
// // "@types/*"
// ]
// }

See also