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Injected dependencies

Injected dependencies are a PNPM feature allowing local project folders to be installed as if they were published to an NPM registry.

Background: Conventional workspace symlinking

Rush projects typically use the workspace: specifier to depend on other projects within the monorepo workspace. For example, suppose my-project and my-library are projects in the Rush workspace:


"name": "my-project",
"version": "1.2.3",
"dependencies": {
"react": "^18.3.1",
"my-library": "workspace:*"

In the above example, the react package will installed by downloading from the NPM registry and extracting into a node_modules subfolder. By contrast, the workspace:* specifier causes PNPM to create a node_modules symlink pointing to the source code folder where my-library is developed:

Symlink: my-repo/apps/my-project/node_modules/my-library --> my-repo/libraries/my-library/

In this way, my-project will always consume the latest locally built outputs for my-library. It may even be the case that my-project and my-library are never published to an NPM registry at all.

Limitations of workspace symlinking

Suppose however that my-library declares a peer dependency like this:


"name": "my-library",
"version": "0.0.0",
"peerDependencies": {
"react": "^18.0.0 || ^17.0.0"
"devDependencies": {
"react": "17.0.0"

The my-library project declares that it can use both React version 17 and 18. For local development, the devDependencies install the oldest supported version 17.0.0, a common practice to validate backwards compatibility.

Why do we need peerDependencies instead of dependencies? With dependencies, the package manager would be free to choose any version of react matching "^18.0.0 || ^17.0.0". For example, if our app is using React 17, then my-library could get React 18, which is wrong. The peer dependency avoids this possibility by stipulating that my-library must get the same react version as its consumer (and in fact the same installed disk folder).

What if two different apps depend on my-library, and those apps have different versions of react? For external NPM packages, PNPM would normally solve this by installing two copies of (the same version of) my-library into two different subfolders of node_modules. These copies are called "peer dependency doppelgangers". They are needed because of a design constraint of the Node.js module resolvers:

Context-free resolution: When a given file on disk imports an NPM package, the module resolver will always resolve the same way for that file.

In other words, the only way to cause my-library/lib/index.js to import React 17 for app1 while importing React 18 for app2 is for the two apps to import from two different (doppelganger) copies of index.js.

The package manager creates doppelgangers automatically as needed when extracting NPM packages into the node_modules folder. However, in our example, my-project used workspace:* to create a symlink to the project folder for my-library, instead of extracting an NPM package into the node_modules folder. How will the peer dependency be satisfied? PNPM simply produces an incorrect installation in this situation:

  • When my-project imports React, it will get version 18
  • When my-project imports my-library and my-library imports React, it will get version 17 (as installed from the devDependencies)

The peerDependencies are ignored.

Injected dependencies to the rescue

To solve this problem, PNPM supports a package.json setting called injected that will cause my-library to get installed as if it had been published to NPM. Here's how to enable it:


"name": "my-project",
"version": "1.2.3",
"dependencies": {
"react": "^18.3.1",
"my-library": "workspace:*"
"dependenciesMeta": {
"my-library": {
"injected": true

With this change, pnpm install (in our case rush install or rush update) will install my-library by copying the project contents into the node_modules folder of my-project. Because they are conventionally installed, injected dependencies can become doppelgangers and correctly satisfy peer dependencies.

A second benefit: Injected installation honors publishing filters such as .npmignore, and so the copied contents accurately reflect what would happen if my-library had been published to an NPM registry. For this reason, a test project that consumes the library can set injected: true to catch mistakes in .npmignore filters -- misconfigurations that are often missed when using workspace: symlinking.

Sounds great -- so why doesn't PNPM use injected install for every workspace: reference?

Syncing injected dependencies

We said that injected dependencies get copied into a node_modules folder during rush install. But what happens if we make changes to my-library and then run rush build? When my-project imports my-library, it will still find the old copy from node_modules. To get a correct result, we would need to redo rush install every time we rebuild my-library. More precisely, we would need to redo rush install after building any injected project but before the consumer gets built. In a worst case, that could mean redoing rush install hundreds of times during rush build. This is unrealistic.

PNPM currently doesn't yet include a built-in solution for this problem, and as a result injected dependencies have not yet gained wide adoption. However, a new tool called pnpm-sync provides a solution: Whenever my-library is rebuilt, pnpm-sync can copy its outputs to update the appropriate node_modules subfolders.

Normally it would be up to each project to determine whether and how to invoke the pnpm-sync command, but Rush integrates this feature and manages it automatically. To use pnpm-sync with Rush, enable the usePnpmSyncForInjectedDependencies experiment:


* (UNDER DEVELOPMENT) For certain installation problems involving peer dependencies, PNPM cannot
* correctly satisfy versioning requirements without installing duplicate copies of a package inside the
* node_modules folder. This poses a problem for "workspace:*" dependencies, as they are normally
* installed by making a symlink to the local project source folder. PNPM's "injected dependencies"
* feature provides a model for copying the local project folder into node_modules, however copying
* must occur AFTER the dependency project is built and BEFORE the consuming project starts to build.
* The "pnpm-sync" tool manages this operation; see its documentation for details.
* Enable this experiment if you want "rush" and "rushx" commands to resync injected dependencies
* by invoking "pnpm-sync" during the build.
"usePnpmSyncForInjectedDependencies": true

This will enable the following behaviors:

  • rush install and rush update will automatically invoke pnpm-sync prepare to configure copying of injected dependencies such as my-library

  • rush build (and other Rush custom commands and phases) will automatically invoke pnpm-sync copy to resync the installed folders whenever a project like my-library is rebuilt

  • rushx will automatically invoke pnpm-sync copy after any operation performed under the my-library folder

Injected dependencies for subspaces

If you are using Rush subspaces, consider enabling alwaysInjectDependenciesFromOtherSubspaces as well:


* When a project uses `workspace:` to depend on another Rush project, PNPM normally installs
* it by creating a symlink under `node_modules`. This generally works well, but in certain
* cases such as differing `peerDependencies` versions, symlinking may cause trouble
* such as incorrectly satisfied versions. For such cases, the dependency can be declared
* as "injected", causing PNPM to copy its built output into `node_modules` like a real
* install from a registry. Details here:
* When using Rush subspaces, these sorts of versioning problems are much more likely if
* `workspace:` refers to a project from a different subspace. This is because the symlink
* would point to a separate `node_modules` tree installed by a different PNPM lockfile.
* A comprehensive solution is to enable `alwaysInjectDependenciesFromOtherSubspaces`,
* which automatically treats all projects from other subspaces as injected dependencies
* without having to manually configure them.
* NOTE: Use carefully -- excessive file copying can slow down the `rush install` and
* `pnpm-sync` operations if too many dependencies become injected.
* The default value is false.
"alwaysInjectDependenciesFromOtherSubspaces": true

See also